


(雖然隔壁看書的,很快就被小孩的尖叫聲趕走了 😅)

這個季節的白花三葉草+ 黃花蟛蜞菊開得真的很可愛啊。❤️

(過個河有沒有這麼難!騎到第三趟,我終於走對大直橋的腳踏車道、沒有再危險騎駛了~~~ 😭 )




Have it All













今天的音樂隨選一直跳到 Jason Mraz的 #HaveItAll.


「And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows
And may the road less paved be the road that you follow


詞Mai Bloomfield/Becky Gebhardt
Mr. 生活扉頁


Have It All 歌曲故事:
這首 Have It All 的歌曲開始於第一句歌詞,在 2012 年 Jason 旅遊到緬甸時,遇到一位僧侶,當時他對 Jason 說:“ Tashi delek ” 在佛教用語中的翻譯就是

「May you have our auspiciousness and causes of success.

而 Jason 當時深受這句話的感動,就以這句話為出發點,不斷不斷的思考著,並在旅途中完成了這首美麗又動人的激勵人心歌曲!

May you have our auspiciousness and causes of success 祝你找到我們的幸福和成功的秘徑
May you have the confidence to always do your best 祝你一直都有信心表現出最好的一面
May you take no effort and you’ll be no generous 祝你不遺餘力,慷慨的
Sharing what you can, nothing more nothing less 向大家分享你所擁有的,不浮誇也不藏私
May you know the meaning of the word happiness 祝你找到快樂的真諦
May you always lead from the beating in your chest 祝你永遠跟隨你心中的鼓動
May you be treated like an esteemed guest 祝你像座上賓一般對待
May you get to rest, may you catch your breath 祝你找到心靈休憩的地方,祝你掌握自己的呼吸節奏
And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows 願你今日的成就,成為你明天的底線
And may the road less paved be the road that you follow 願你走上那杳無人跡的小路,成為自己的指引
Well, here’s to the hearts that you gonna break 但是,現在這杯酒,敬你在路途中破碎的心
Here’s to the lies that you gonna change 這杯酒敬你將改變的謊言
Here’s to the infinite, possible ways to love you 這杯酒敬那無限所有可能的方式愛著你
I want you to have it 我希望你能擁有這一切
Here’s to the good times we gonna have 這杯酒敬那些我們將一同度過的美好時光
You don’t need money, you got a free pass 你不需要錢,因為你早已有了通行證
Here’s to the fact that I’ll be sad without you 這杯酒敬未來沒有你我會哭泣的日子
I want you to have it all 但我希望,你能擁有一切
Oh, I want you to have it all 喔,我希望你能擁有一切

May you be as fascinating as the slap bracelet 願你像那手環繽紛奪目
May you keep the chaos and the clutter off your desk 祝你能將雜亂的思緒清下檯面
May you have unquestionable health and less stress 祝你能擁有滿滿的健康,和少少的壓力
Having no possessions though immeasurable wealth 雖無家當,卻有無可限量的財富
May you get your gold star on your next test 祝你在下場考試中,獲得金字標章
May your educated guesses always be correct 祝你所有的思路都得到正確的方向
And may you went crises, shining like diamonds 祝你遇到前進時,像打磨的鑽石光彩奪目
May you really only reach only moment to the next 祝你在每一個轉瞬間,走往下一步
And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows 願你今日的成就,成為你明天的底線
And may the road less paved be the road that you follow 願你走上那杳無人跡的小路,成為自己的指引
Well, here’s to the hearts that you gonna break 但是,現在這杯酒,敬你在路途中破碎的心
Here’s to the lies that you gonna change 這杯酒敬你將改變的謊言
Here’s to the infinite, possible ways to love you 這杯酒敬那無限所有可能的方式愛著你
I want you to have it 我希望你能擁有這一切
Here’s to the good times we gonna have 這杯酒敬那些我們將一同度過的美好時光
You don’t need money, you got a free pass 你不需要錢,因為你早已有了通行證
Here’s to the fact that I’ll be sad without you 這杯酒敬未來沒有你我會哭泣的日子
I want you to have it all 但我希望,你能擁有一切

All you can imagine, oh 一切你所能想像的
No matter what your path is 無論你所選擇的路是什麼
If you believe it, then anything could happen 若你相信,那一切都有可能
Go go go, raise your glasses 去吧去吧,高舉你的酒杯
Go go go, you can have it 去吧去吧,你可以做到的

Oh I told you here’s to the hearts that you gonna break 我告所你,現在這杯敬那些你將破碎的心
Here’s to the lies that you gonna change 這杯敬你成長後改變的詞語
Here’s to the infinite, possible ways to love you 這杯酒敬那無限所有可能的方式愛著你
I want you to have it all 我希望你能擁有這一切
Here’s to the good times we gonna have 這一杯,敬我們擁有的美好時光
You don’t need money, you got a free pass 你不需要錢,因為你早已有了通行證
Here’s to the fact that I’ll be sad without you 這杯酒敬未來沒有你我會哭泣的日子
I want you to have it all 但我希望,你能擁有一切
Oh, I want you to have it all 喔,我希望你能擁有這一切

Here’s to the good times we gonna have 這一杯敬我們將擁有的美好時光
(I want you to have it all) 我希望你能擁有這一切
Here’s to the cries making laugh 這一杯敬每一場破涕為笑的淚水
(I want you to have it all) 我希望你能擁有這一切
Here’s to the fact that I’ll be sad without you 這一杯敬沒有你我將哭泣的日子
(I want you to have it all) 但我希望你能擁有這一切
I want you to have it all 我希望你能擁有這一切